Dear Eugene,
My feet are in heaven! Your shoes are the most comfortable I've ever worn - rival even my sheepskin slippers. Many many thanks. I smile everytime I look down and see the stitching and the initials. Hope to see you again for boots in winter.
Kindest regards,
P.S. Am recovering well.
Hi Eugene.
Just want to wish you the best for 2011. I often think of you with my wonderful shoes which have made such a difference to my life.Thank you so much for your fantastic work and assistance and I want you to know how much I appreciate your help.
Roy Heathcote
Northshore, Auckland
In these days of mass production and 'one size fits all', Eugene is a craftsman. My left foot has been affected by arthritis, and I am unable to wear conventional shoes. Eugene's quality workmanship, attention to detail and genuine desire to help are outstanding. His shoes not only are very well made and long lasting, but they look better than the usual orthotic shoes.
Many thanks, Eugene.
Jill K Nathan
To Whom it may concern.
My name is Gavin Anderson. On the 1st of November 2008, I was riding my Harley from Hamilton back to Auckland when I was hit by a truck smashing every bone in my left foot. After the doctors put it back together I was left with a large swollen foot unable to wear any sort of shoe, except a over sized jandal. After getting me more mobile Sheldon from 'The Bodyworkshop Ltd' in Avondale sent me with custom made orthotics to 'Gordon's Footwear' where Eugene designed a pair of boots so that I could carry on working. Thanks to the design I'm able to get in and out of them with ease and little pain. They are also adjustable for the swelling in my foot.
Thanks guys.
Gavin Anderson.
Hi Eugene
Short note to say thanks for the awesome boots you made for me. Also my neck and shoulder pain seems to have disappeared. For the first time in my life I have really pain free mobility.
Thanks mate.
Cheers Herb.
P.S. When are you going to start my dress boots. Another challenge for you.
After having 4 hip replacements and an ankle broken to a point that it was hanging on by the skin and blood vessels and spending over 200 days in hospital the Orthopaedics Surgeon Mr Rob Sharp saved my ankle. Some one told me about Gordon's Footwear, who made me a pair of work boots, shoes and a pair of sandals through ACC. I have never had shoes more comfortable as they had to be 2" higher on my left leg. I walk like a new man now thanks to Rob Sharp and Gordon's Footwear.
I have had my shoes for 2 years now and still going well. I will be getting a pair of golf shoes now. It is very good to know that we still have some professional people that care for people. THANKS
Colin R Haslam
Henderson Waitakere City
been telling people that a special shoemaker made them just for her.
Hi Gordon
I would like to say a big thank-you and how much I appreciated your great service. With my complicated ankle injury that has alignment and leg length issues, I was pleasantly surprised
when I wore your custom made work boots for the first day. I was one of those people who
didn’t appreciate the difficulties with injuries until it happens to them. Fortunately there are
people like you that specialise in helping others with accident and genetic disabilities so that
we can still have quality of life. This has allowed me to continue working and without sounding
dramatic, with having to stand on my feet all day without the correct support would have
been unpleasant and very painful.
It is easy to recognise a craftsman by the quality of their product. The boots fitted like a glove
and are built to last. You also took great care to make the boots aesthetically pleasing to the eye
with all the extra support required. I very rarely write to thank people for their service or products
but this time I felt it justified some recognition because of the service and quality your product has
given me to continue normal function.
Thanks again
John Browne